Due to uncertainty surrounding Paypal’s new Terms Of Service rules, Alt-Market will only be accepting donations or purchases of the Wild Bunch Dispatch by check/money order until further notice.
We will be looking at alternative electronic payment methods, but it’s important to note that almost every single e-pay website or method is tied to major international banks, and those that are not are often not secure. Such is the way of things. The only private and secure payment option out there right now is good old snail mail.
Paypal’s new TOS appears to include fines for certain types of speech, and the definition of what is restricted is broad. Paypal has previously claimed that this TOS was posted in error, but it remains published on their website nonetheless. I realize that not having e-pay options can be frustrating for readers, and I will try to find an acceptable alternative.
If you would like to donate to Alt-Market or purchase a subscription to the Wild Bunch Dispatch survival newsletter, you can send payment using a check or money order to Brandon Smith at:
421 US Highway 93N
Suite 209
Eureka, MT 59917
Thanks for your support and understanding.
Brandon Smith, Founder of Alt-Market
Source link Author Brandon Smith