Haven’t seen Jessica’s Canadian family in 2+ years…
We finally saw them yesterday during Easter.
A rebirth, if you will. Very poetic.
So beautiful and so refreshing. So much love to be shared.
Ironically, it felt like we had just seen them recently because of the technology we are all blessed to have through FaceTime and social media, etc..
Beautiful technologies that were created in a free and capitalist society.
It got me thinking though…
For whatever reason when people speak of the insanity of how elites and the alphabet soup of governing bodies treated the “cerveza sickness” we seem to always put the blame on ourselves.
We seem to always give our “overlords” the benefit of the doubt. Like they are some benevolent all-knowing deity.
“If we just give up all our guns.”
“If we just strip down for the TSA.”
“If we just change the definitions of words in the dictionary.”
“If we just give them all the gold, things will go back to normal.”
“If we just see something, say something.” (I am sure Anne Frank would have liked that one.)
“If we just let men compete in women’s sports.”
“If we just do what the government says quick, we will just ‘get back to normal.’”
How many times have you heard that the past 2+ years?
Unfortunately, I have yet to study a time when governments willingly gave back power or for that matter have anything but their own power grab in their sights.
Just ask them how that “temporary income tax to pay for the war” panned out?
Who are the politicians and elites to deserve the benefit of the doubt?
Politicians and hollywooders are sock puppets in a dollhouse where the puppet masters (elites – global central banks, cartels, and secret societies) just dropped their cig in to. We are the crowd watching in horror as the puppets are catching fire. The only problem is that WE are in that room.
If you can’t think of some of the brilliance our leaders have dropped on us, don’t worry, here are a couple quick ones at the top of mind from the past decade:
Economist Jonathan Gruber, one of the Obama administration’s consultants on the Affordable Care Act, is under attack from conservatives for comments he made last year in which he said the “stupidity of the American voter” was a factor in passing Obamacare in 2010. (Washington Post, 2014)
My question is, why in the world would Gruber ONLY be under attack by conservatives? They guy just told the ENTIRE country they were dumb AF and yet only a part of the country is mad about it? Shows you where we are as a people. More worried about “my side” than actually using logic, intelligence, or critical thinking. Sweet.
Or how about this hum-dinger Nancy told us,
“We have to pass this bill first before we know what is in it.”
Or Barack himself telling us,
“You didn’t build that.”
Well, you better believe that we ALL built this $30T debt with the help of these government buffoons. Mind you, most of these people have never had a business, worked in the free market, or had to know how to make an honest buck.
These “do-gooders” and “deciders” sit on their perch jeering and cheering and giving the emperor-like thumbs up or thumbs down dictating what we are or are not going to do with our lives.
However, they are just humans with the same half-informations and half truths we have.
The sneakiness of the government lies in the attention span of the average person.
They know that most people will forget their idiocy and keep things as usual as they (the elites) put their kids on corporation boards they have no business being on and pass favors off between countries.
This is why you see such concerted and coordinated efforts between world organizations. Which don’t fret, we will expose in due time.
These wonks are so callous they write about what they want to do to all of us right out in the open.
When a government creates a problem, its doing so because it already has the solution waiting in the wings. It is the fox in the hen house.
The government is routinely starting fires (panics or emergencies) so they can swoop in like the local police chief and douse you with brilliant stimmie/gimmie boondoggles to buy your vote, all while stealing your wealth and civil liberties in one fell swoop.
They claim their “intentions were great” and this will certainly fix the problem and it never does. Evidenced by that astronomically growing pile of debt.
I stand corrected, they do succeed. Their goals just aren’t the same as yours. Unless you had:
enrich the elites by transferring everyone’s wealth through the inflation tax
enrich my cronies
enrich myself through shady means
steal a bunch of my constituents liberties and freedoms
and plunge us in to war
….on your yearly goals list.
The average person cannot see it as they are the proverbial frog in the boiling pot. Willingly and freely asking for freebies, stealing prosperity out of the future, turning up the heat dial, speeding up their own demise.
Oh by the way, cerveza sickness numbers are in…and they aren’t good for the elites. But, did we expect anything less?
We will learn anything from yet more of our liberties being destroyed in the name of talk and “good intentions?”
More on those numbers soon, stay tuned.
Stay strong,
Ps. Bitcoin beginner series and videos coming soon. How to use the different networks and platforms and the assets I have used to educate myself over the last few years.
If you have ANY questions you would like me to break down in short videos specifically, please reply back to me!
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Author Brandon Gentile