Naomi Karavani, RM Brown, and Branko Marcetic join Ben Burgis to say goodbye to Tucker Carlson’s show on Fox. You can read Ben’s article “Tucker Carlson Is a Repugnant, Pseudo-Populist Fraud” here:
…and Branko’s article “Tucker Carlson Isn’t an Anti-Imperialist — He’s a Rabid China Hawk” here:
Before that, Ben and the GTAA crew will talk a bit about May Day and the (ongoing) struggle for a shorter workweek, play a clip of Kyle Kulinski talking about Ben’s article on that, and promote the class on Proudhon’s “Philosophy of Poverty” and Marx’s “Philosophy of Poverty” starting on the GTAA Patreon in May. In the postgame for patrons, Producer Jordan will once again join us to talk about Slavoj Žižek’s articles in Compact.
Follow Naomi on Twitter: @naomikaravani
Follow Branko on Twitter: @BMarchetich
Follow RM on Twitter: @xrmbrownx2
Follow Producer Jordan on Twitter: @jayohardeeayen
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
Follow GTAA on Twitter: @Gtaa_Show
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Give Them An Argument w/Ben Burgis