📺 | Latest full chat with Mark Steyn discussing
🔶 Mark Carney talking nonsense on Brexit & Inflation – many EU countries have had inflation above the UK, many below. Food inflation in many EU countries has also been higher than in the UK, and some below.
🔶 Central Banks around the world printing money caused inflation – they all did this during lockdowns when demand in the economies was low because of the shutdown. This led to too much money in the system which ultimately kicked off the inflation we have seen.
🔶 UK Government borrowing through the roof & Hunt/Sunak lost control of the public finances – Over 2 trillion debt and borrowing each month the second highest on record.
#CostOfLivingCrisis #costofliving #inflation #JeremyHunt #interestrates #bankofengland #MarkCarney #Eu #uk
Stats Jamie