Globally renowned philosopher and cultural critic, Slavoj Žižek provides a Hegelian insight into historical and current political crises.
Do you see contemporary philosophy living up to Hegel’s philosophy? What is the subject and how is it influenced by psychoanalysis? Are we witnessing the return of nature, with climate change and the impact nature is going to have on us, and how is that going to manifest in philosophy? Is philosophy like “falling in love”?
Watch Salvoj Žižek debate with intellectual Yuval Noah Harari whether nature is friend or foe at
The dialectical repetition of history is not inevitable, and the recent trend away from continental ‘transcendental historicism’ will allow the continental tradition to shed new light on the world. Slavoj takes us on a whirlwind tour of continental philosophy from the pandemic to how philosophy is like falling in love.
#SlavojZizekInterview #HegelPhilosophy #ContinentalHistoricism
Slavoj Žižek is a globally renowned philosopher and cultural critic. He is international director of the Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities at the University of London, visiting professor at New York University and a senior researcher at the University of Ljubljana’s Department of Philosophy. He is the author of several books, including The Sublime Object of Ideology, The Parallax View, Living in the End Times and Heaven in Disorder.
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