On November 18, 2022 at 4:52 pm, Ian wrote:
As someone who spends a lot of time in the north of England I can (partly) answer. There’s still no real acknowledgement there’s a problem. There’s still no cultural acknowledgment of what happened 10/20 years ago – let alone what’s probably happening still now. The thing about these areas is that if you live in them, you learn to keep your head and eyes down. If you don’t live in them, you don’t go to them. And thus the true scale of the problem is rarely if ever clear or spoken about.
On November 18, 2022 at 4:52 pm, Fran Lavery wrote:
I can’t think of one positive thing about Ole’ Nance. I think she’s responsible for millions of aborted babies. Thank God she’s out of leadership.
On November 18, 2022 at 3:58 pm, Pete Procopio wrote:
Hello Mark – with Thanksgiving next week, the holiday season is upon us. Sadly I realize this is the second year that we will be without Rush, and his spot on delivery of the true story of Thanksgiving and George Washington’s Thanksgiving Proclamation.
Is there any way you would consider telling this story on your platform, or perhaps find an old recording of Rush and make it available to club members that might be interested or didn’t have a chance to hear it (if that’s even possible)?
I realize you are Canadian, and you probably (and somewhat strangely) celebrate the harvest on Columbus Day. And that being the case, it’s a bit weird to ask you to get involved in such matters. I just think it’s an important part of our culture that has become completely untethered from true history. Plus, I’d owe you one.
Thanks very much
Pete Procopio
On November 18, 2022 at 3:55 pm, Jonny Woodrow wrote:
Dear Mark
I’m reading through America Alone and quoting big bits of it to friends. I’m a pastor and so key parts of the argument have found their way into my sermon for this Sunday. My question is, how do you see Russia’s disastrously low birth rate contributing to geopolitics today?
Jonny Woodrow
On November 18, 2022 at 3:51 pm, Deborah McKenzie wrote:
Hi Andrew,
I notice that you are steadfastly avoiding mentioning Maxime Bernier and the People’s Party of Canada despite their relevance in your last two questions. Why is that? Bernier and the PPC pointed out the MAiD option on the SaskHealth phone line and were so vociferous in their criticism that they got the option removed. Also, a listener asked about the creation of a new conservative type party in Britain. You started talking about Canadian politics but never mentioned how the People’s Party was created as an answer to the absolute failure of the Conservative Party of Canada to actually be conservative. I don’t hold out much hope for Pierre Polievre. He is yet another Conservative of Convenience.
On November 18, 2022 at 3:49 pm, Lynn Foster wrote:
Andrew…time to ask Air Canada HOW MANY pilots have LOST their ability to fly for AC due to heart damage from the vaxxs….as you know pilots are checked EVERY YEAR and the requirements are strict standards for heart health…big trouble now….of course AC will not comment due to FOI but make no mistake this is happening…
On November 18, 2022 at 3:47 pm, Timothy McDonnell wrote:
What will you do if you are found guilty regarding the Ofcom complaints? What will happen to you? Do they have the ability to remove your show? Explain the process and options you have for those of us not in Britain. Thanks.
On November 18, 2022 at 3:40 pm, Alex O wrote:
Do you think Elon Musk will save or destroy Twitter?
On November 18, 2022 at 3:37 pm, Mary B. wrote:
Hi Andrew, Do you agree with Joy Reid that Nancy Pelosi was the greatest speaker in U.S. history?
On November 18, 2022 at 3:35 pm, SIMON ARNOLD wrote:
Great answer, Andrew. This is the mystery, and the problem with Centrism. If it is anything other than Political Compass definition, it isn’t really Centrist if it is Left or Right. The point is it shouldn’t be Left or Right, or anything else. i suppose it is really about agreeing on the good parts, if it makes sense. I think as we have seen we are getting more extremes at both ends, of the spectrum.
On November 18, 2022 at 3:33 pm, Nicola Timmerman wrote:
What do you think of the movie She Said? How about the New York Times as a great Truth seeker!
On November 18, 2022 at 3:25 pm, Crazy Canuck wrote:
Are you able to offer any updates as to the investigation into Justin Trudeau’s declaration of martial law against the truckers?
On November 18, 2022 at 3:22 pm, Penns Woods wrote:
Andrew… did jacinda trudeau deliver financial promises for climate reparations or other globalist initiatives at the G20 conference and if so how much. Does parliament have to approve this?
On November 18, 2022 at 3:19 pm, Robert Stewart wrote:
The Senate race in the state of New Hampshire is an example of how much good government costs. Democrat Hassan will defeat General Buldoc by about 60,000 votes in a total vote of about 650,000. To reach that margin of victory Hassan spent over $32 million on her cammpaign as compared to Buldoc’s $2 million. This suggests that each vote of Hassan’s margin cost $500. Sadly, the beneficiaries of this largess are not the voters who succumbed to the propaganda. Rather it is commercial media providers in the tiny New Hampshire market. A windfall of $30 million every two or four years is probably a prominent feature of their business plans. Is “media bias” explained that simply?
On November 18, 2022 at 3:16 pm, Ann wrote:
Mark had a poor Canadian lady on his GB show earlier this week who was denied a transplant due to her vaccination status. Do you have an update on her case? Is there anything that can be done to help her?
On November 18, 2022 at 3:12 pm, Ian wrote:
Hi Andrew, fellow members
This week in the UK our “conservative” government raised taxes, as apparently allowing people to keep less of the money they’ve earned is the best way to deal with the rising cost of living. Our “conservative” government also paid the French even more money as a bribe to do something about the boats they happily let sail off which wash up in Kent every day. My question is this: will there ever be an actual conservative party, or are we left hoping for the formation of a new credible and functioning party which pursues a smaller state and actually defends the borders? Ian
On November 18, 2022 at 3:09 pm, Julia wrote:
I read your moving Substack piece about Canada’s euthanasia laws. Horrible what their doing. Any hope of changing it?
On November 18, 2022 at 3:08 pm, Michelle Dulak wrote:
Hi Andrew!
This is really a question for Mark, but I appreciated his reprise of the Munk Debate of 2016, and I’m wondering what has happened since. I mean, since Rosengard and Molenbeek and Cologne and, well, most cities in the North of England. How have circumstances changed, if at all? Or is it all just “Gang rape: Been there. Done that.” Is Doug Saunders still at the Globe & Mail?
On November 18, 2022 at 3:06 pm, Jamie wrote:
Is it true you’re going to be joining Mark on the Adriatic Sea in July? Any previews about what we can expect?
On November 18, 2022 at 3:04 pm, Jonny Woodrow wrote:
Just read Mark is away today. So Andrew, Justin T and Richi S had a bro call with Zelensky this week, what are these globalist frat boys getting out of the Ukraine war? Are they actually no more developed in their thinking and motivation than college kids with a cause (save Ukraine on my gap year) or are they up to something else?
Jonny Woodrow
On November 18, 2022 at 3:03 pm, SIMON ARNOLD wrote:
Hi Andrew,
What is your view on bang in the middle Centrist political ideology?
On November 18, 2022 at 3:01 pm, Elisa Angel wrote:
Welcome back, Andrew! It’s good to have you back.
Would you tell us your view of Justin Trudeau and Richi Sunak’s sickeningly sweet call to Zelenski? Er, make that, “Volodymyr”.
And two, would you comment on the content of the call itself? I am not even sure Zelensky answered. How are we to know who was on the other end of that call anyway?
On November 18, 2022 at 3:00 pm, Chris Hall wrote:
Hi Andrew,
Joy Pullmann at the Federalist had a wonderful essay this week that touched on issues like election analysis, demographics, and civilisational collapse. You know, all the good stuff. Basically, she pointed out that married men, married women, and single men all voted in favor of the Republicans in the midterms. But single women went with the Dems by 37%, and that’s a whopping 44% shift from single men. Pullmann correlates this with the fact that women in general and single women in particular tend to gravitate toward professions where their main function is to enforce compliance or to exert other forms of control. One might say they tend to be Karens, but I can’t because that’s my wife’s name. What do you think we can do to get younger women to wake up, get hitched, come to terms with their biology, and become creative and happy, before they all turn into cat ladies?
On November 18, 2022 at 2:59 pm, George Pereira wrote:
I’ve read with some personal queasiness that the girl guides of canada will be renaming the brownies in the near future “claiming it had caused “personal harm” to people of colour.” The new name will be announced next year and will take place later next year. I’m rooting for the new name to be little Karens or Petits Karens (just trying to get some French content into my message)
You may recall, (during the crushing of liberty and freedom in Quebec) a somewhat iconic picture of a little girl holding a sign reading “the trucks are coming to save us!”
Has anyone asked her what has caused her personal harm?
On November 18, 2022 at 2:58 pm, Eric Dale wrote:
Andrew, and fellow Club members, is it me, or does conservative media seem oddly in sync with their talking points since the midterms here in the US? All of Murdoch’s properties, PJmedia, and other conservative websites seem unusually urgent to move on from Trump and embrace Ron DeSantis. The primaries and caucuses are over a year away. It reminds me of when wikileaks exposed Journolist where mainstream media members were confirmed to be coordinating how they framed stories and utilized Democratic talking points. Has conservative media become as top down and obedient as the mainstream media?
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