nosoapradio says:
I’ve had some really epic moments trying to get people to see chemtrails. Even when I adopted my straight-laced school teacher tone and called it Stratospheric Aerosol Injection and spoke about the 1990 Welsbach seeding patent there was just general wry amusement but no go.
I mean gorgeous sunny days at the park with all the mothers together, all our kids playing together after school while literally 10 airplanes are spraying grids into the deep blue sky above coming from all directions at once. I had their attention for about 30 seconds of faint giggling and eyebrow-lifting and case closed, onto more important matters such as the impressive range of e-cigarette flavours suddenly available.
Once I was in a very remote area of France, a tiny village in the hills, rehearsing a show for a week and as we were all out smoking (old fashioned) cigarettes during a break the most spectacular grids were being belched into the heavens with countless planes, and just like in a bad dream, I was showing the whole team, 8 people, asking them where they thought the nearest airport was…at least actors are actually witty as they turn you into a laughing stock.
When I showed my family that the tree in front of our window was glistening, completely filled with a bizarre cottony fibrous web as planes were ploughing the early morning sky, deep sighs, rolled eyes. I still have a photo.
I would be chatting with a university student in the tram and steer the conversation towards the webs forming in the sky, lifting my voice somewhat so as to be heard more generally…
the stigmatization is so blitzkrieg, so automatic, so powerfully insistant that I started realizing how self-policed, self-censored people and groups of people, populations are. Not even politically active university students were interested nevermind indignant.
Horrors, of course, don’t need to be hidden when no one, but no one wants to see them. If it were a secret plot they wouldn’t be doing it in plain site, now would they? duhhh!
The experience of people’s attitude towards the largely imposed experimental gene therapy aka “Covid vaccinations” is similar but worse. It’s impossible to insist on the probable hazardous nature of the “jabs” with people who’ve taken them as you don’t want to freak them out.
As mentioned in the interview, scarier than the injection itself, are the implications. So the challenge is to present a terrifying truth in some… palatable way… How to do that?
And, coincidentally, Dane Wiggington was interviewed by Ryan Cristian of TLAV today and one thing he said that I actually agreed with was that if people can not see the spectacular checkerboards in the sky, it’s impossible to force them.
Injections. via airplanes, syringes, microchip guns, powerful psychological suggestion…
Transhumanism is a multi-orifice injection.
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Author Corbett