Why would you trade something finite for something that isn’t finite.
Money is nothing. It is an inanimate object. It is neither good nor bad.
What people DO with money or with a car or with drugs or guns is what is good or evil.
That is the root of all evil; the obsession with attaining something for nefarious purposes.
I would argue that is what is evil.
How could a “thing” be evil, but an act, an act can be evil.
Acts are perpetrated by people; not things.
You go and trade hours of your life that are finite (you can never get that back) and you hopefully trade them for something of equal value.
Would you go trade your finite 2,000 hours each year for something that is infinite?
Would you go trade your time and energy for air?
Would you go trade it for grains of sand?
Most likely not.
Those are infinite/abundant.
So why would you trade your time for dollars?
Those dollars are just as abundant as grains of sand on a beach.
Does that sound like a smart trade, a trade a savvy investor would make?
The problem was that banks and governments figured out that they could keep the gold on hand (since it was hard to transport) and create more claim checks (IOUs) on the asset than they had in storage.
That has led to bank runs and people losing their assets and banks/governments going bust.
This was the best system we had for thousands of years until man discovered true digital scarcity.
Once bitcoin was discovered it changed human civilization forever.
We now have a true representation of our time and energy; bitcoin.
Another truly scarce asset that is truly worthy and equal of trade for your time.
Knut Svanholm wrote Bitcoin: Everything Divided by 21 Million and spoke about time being bitcoin and went in to great depth on this subject and the black hole of bitcoin that will suck everything in to it over time.
That trade of finite time for infinite dollars (fiat currency) is something we no longer have to put up with.
Now a human being can go to work and confidently trade their time for an asset that will purchase more for them in the long run.
So as long as you are providing value in any job and you are able to live under your means and save the difference you will accrue purchasing power over time.
This naturally incentivizes society towards longer-term thinking as you obviously want to enjoy the fruits of your labor as you age.
The high time preference fiat currency society we live in now with slogans like “you only live once” are symptoms of a society with broken money where people feel the need to (whether right or wrong) spend every last dollar because they inherently know that it may not be there tomorrow.
Expenses are slowly starting to run from the average person’s reach and they must pull prosperity from the future into today because they’re just not quite sure that the future will be there when they arrive.
Make a fair trade with yourself; trade your finite time ONLY for a finite asset.
Remove yourself from the absurdity and craziness of the system we live in now.
I breathe much easier living in a world that is not corrupted and is under my control and out of the hands of the unproductive class.
Stay strong,
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Author Brandon Gentile