Calgarians gathered once again at City Hall to protest vaccine mandates without fear of the recently defeated City of Calgary injunction looming over them.
Hundreds were out to decry the ongoing exclusion of millions of Canadians from travel, both within our borders and abroad, while the rest of the world has moved on from limiting travel for the unvaccinated. We spoke with many who also expressed concerns over the increasingly totalitarian trends from Trudeau’s government, with recent Charter violations, digital ID and state media control remaining forefront issues for many in attendance.
We also witnessed members of the peaceful rally confront two alleged Antifa members who were being accused of taking photos of women and children in addition to doxing protesters. Police intervened as the conversation became heated, but when freedom protesters showed images to police of photos from previous rallies being taken from the same spot, supposedly by the same people along with private details including home addresses on various Antifa pages, they offered little response and no action.
To be clear, the protesters have no issue with their photos being taken, as is anyone in public can be photographed, but they were opposed to the resulting online targeting taking place afterwards using the photos.
We also spoke with independent journalist Devlin Gannon who was arrested and charged under extremely dubious circumstances and has been attending protests in bionic form (that is, a robot with a screen in a wagon) as his bail terms forbid him from attending the protests in person, in addition to taking a trip over to Pastor Derek Reimer’s nearby, but not protest affiliated, street ministry to see if he was still facing harassment by authorities following his wrongful arrest and release a few weeks ago.
Clearly, with thousands having lost their jobs without severance, and millions unable to travel freely, vaccine mandates are far from behind us. If you want to make a tax receipt eligible contribution to The Democracy Fund’s ongoing legal battle against unjust vaccine mandates, donate today at
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Author Adam Soos