I’ve been talking to lots of people about prepping on various platforms and these conversations always remind me of some preps that are important that people over look. So here’s a list of some preps not many people talk about but are as important as the beans, bullets and band-aids that are staples of prepping articles.
Fire extinguishers. Make sure you have some. My general rule is have one for as many bedrooms as you have. Those small spray can ones are great for kitchens.
Rain gear. In good times most if us can get by with a folding umbrella. In an emergency a poncho and rain boots are something you’ll be glad you have. My preference would be treated canvas military surplus ponchos and rubber boots made for hunting. Stay away from bargain ones unless you just can’t find or afford anything else.
Get out of debt. If you can pay down those credit card bills and student loans. Don’t add a lot of debt you can’t carry. Too many preppers think that they can avoid paying debts because “everything will collapse” but people still had to pay their mortgage in the depression and through two world wars. Carrying too much debt leaves you ill pre-pared for emergencies.
Shoes. Supply chain disruptions are already making shopping difficult depending on your location and what you’re shopping for. Shoes don’t go bad so if you have a comfortable pair you like get extras now.
Hard copies of books and documents. The cloud and electronic devices are fragile technologies. If you have important documents have hard copies somewhere secure. Books are a good investment and are cheap now, especially books text books and instructional manuals which will be in high demand if an EMP ever goes off.
Scissors. You can never have too many. Manifests of traders from the frontier show that they would carry hundreds of scissors with them – they were in great demand among native tribes. It’s one of those things you take for granted but you’ll miss when you need a pair. Get safety scissors as well as kitchen shears.
Sharpeners. We all take this for granted. Knives. axes and scissors need regular maintenance. You can get fancy or you can just buy a stone or two but start practicing sharpening now. Dull knives cause more injuries than sharp ones.
Basins and washboards. You’re going to have to lurk in the antique stores for a good washboard (or you can get one from Lehman’s)) but at least get a basin of some type dedicated for washing clothes if there is a long term power outage.
Candle holders. We have lots of candles but lot of people just have some tea lights they plan on sitting on a table. Get wall mounted holders, portable etc. If there is a long term power outage you’re going to want safe ways to keep candles lit which isn’t just having them sitting around on a coffee table.
These are just things I realized I needed more of or things friends were worried about. There are probably lots of little things you and I are missing. What I try to do is sit back and imagine a week without power – what would my days look like, what would I need, etc – and write down anything I can purchase or do now that would be important in that scenario.
Let me know if you think of anything else at
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Author Rob Taylor